Friday, June 17, 2016

Time to Set Some Goals

Don't laugh...

I've always wanted to act or sing, and I'm figuring that this is probably the best time to get one of those things started. I went with acting. So...last week, I got an agent, and I have a photographer scheduled to do a few head shots next Friday. 

Why acting, you ask? 

To which I suppose I could answer, "Why NOT acting?" 

As I mentioned in the first post, I spent my 20's having kids, my 30's raising those kids, and now that I'm at the back of my 40's, I've been feeling almost like I've been 'hiding' for the last ten years, and I've always wanted to do something that would force me to be more 'outgoing', for lack of a better word. So I figured that acting might make me a bit more of an extrovert. I don't necessarily 'like' the audition process, but I'll tough it out for now. is on Friday the 24th, so I'll let you know how that goes :)


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Realization

Next month is my birthday. I'll be 49 years old. 

I've been divorced for 16 years, and I was a single mom for about 10 years before my kids moved out one by one. It's time to start my life over at 49 years old. I'm terrified, but at the same time, I'm excited as fuck. 

When I think about it, I realize that I've had to "reboot" my life three times now; when I moved out of my parent's house, when I got divorced and raised the kids, and again now that I'm looking for my own place; hopefully a stylish condo downtown. God knows it costs a fucking fortune to live here, but it's where my 3 kids live, and honestly, they're my favorite people in the Universe. I want to be where I can touch base with them physically over coffee or drinks. They're very social people, much more so than I am. My oldest likes to 'hold court' at her favorite watering hole a few times a week. My middle child (though I still think of her as being the baby), is almost social by accident. She just makes friends wherever she goes. Both girls have magnetic personalities. I love being with them. 

My son is also very social, but in a completely different way; he's quiet. Makes friends just by "being". Likes to do things alone or in a group. 

I've decided to keep this blog/journal because I'm setting some goals that need to be completed by the time I'm year and one week from now. I'll stick those in another post, but for now, I have to get ready for work. Funny...I love my job, even though I said that I'd never work retail again (never say never, right?). Life is funny. You just never know what it's going to throw at you...